Thursday, April 27, 2006

vivor 4/27/06

berg takes terry for exile

luke takes aras for exile

luke takes danielle for boot

berg takes aras for boot

Thursday, April 20, 2006

vivor 4/20/06

luke takes shane for the boot

berg takes aras for boot

berg takes terry for exile

luke takes aras for exile

Thursday, April 13, 2006

vivor 4/13/06

berg takes SSW for the tribe speak. -pwnzington

luke takes aras for the booterton and for exileton.

berg takes shane for ex

Thursday, April 06, 2006

vivor 4/6/06

luke takes austin to get the boot. what.

for the 3rd week in a row, berg takes shane for when the tribe has spoken. while we're at it, let's put him on exile again too. - oh word is bond?

i'll take aras for exile. nah.